
Lonestar6 is a Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) resource for UT System researchers. Lonestar6 has CPU compute nodes, with 128 cores and 256 GB RAM, and GPU compute nodes, with two Nvidia A100 GPUs.

While UT Dallas Cyberinfrastructure Research Computing (CIRC) doesn’t control access to Lonestar6, CIRC is available to assist you with getting an allocation. Please read the below and contact circ-assist@utdallas.edu if you need assistance. If you contact circ-assist@utdallas.edu for help, please include that you have read the documentation and your specific questions so CIRC can better assist you.

Lonestar6 allocation types

Lonestar6 provides startup allocations and full allocations.

Startup allocations

TACC awards Startup allocations at any time, but these allocations have a low resource limit. Startup allocations are intended for exploratory work and can be used for benchmarking and gathering data for a full proposal. You can find limits for startup allocations on TACC resources here. See proposal requirements for instructions on writing Lonestar6 proposals.

Research allocation

Research allocations are due four times per year. See this table for current deadlines and allocation periods. See proposal requirements for instructions on writing Lonestar6 proposals.

Corral allocation

In addition to computational resources, TACC provides storage on the Corral system. As a researcher in the UT System, you may request up to 5 TB at no cost. For more information on Corral, see the Corral Documentation.

Proposal requirements

A Lonestar6 allocation requires a small proposal, maximum four pages, which outlines

  1. Your project description: what you’re investigating and why you need computational resources.

  2. A resource justification and computational plan: a justification for the number of node hours you’re requesting.

For more information and an example, see the TACC Allocation Documentation.

Proposal submission

To submit your proposal, use the TACC Resource Allocation System (TxRAS). For every submission, you need:

  1. Title

  2. Short title

  3. Public abstract

  4. Field of science

  5. Primary Investigator (not a student)

  6. Any Co-PIs or allocation managers on the project (not required)

  7. Other collaborators, including students

  8. Any supporting grants (not required if not grant funded)

  9. The number of node-hours requested on Lonestar6

  10. Your proposal (maximum 4 pages)

If you have questions, please contact circ-assist@utdallas.edu for assistance.